Purchase a “Full Season” CSA Flower share!   This package is available for yourself OR as a gift for someone special. To give as a gift, simply check the “This is a Gift” box and add a message if you plan to have it delivered.  Be sure to enter the recipient’s information during check out.

This package includes 11 weeks of flower bouquets wrapped in brown paper delivered to you/someone special weekly on Tuesday morning or pick up free of charge at the farm on Tuesdays.  As farmers we are subject to weather conditions and other variable factors, but the estimated start date in 2024 will be Tuesday, July 9 and will run for 11 weeks through September 17.

A large flower bouquet of this size retails individually for $40 or more and is an incredible value!  The full season package also saves you money compared to half season packages on the price breakdown per week!

Please see our CSA FAQs page for more information about CSAs (Community Supported Agriculture) and how vital it is to small farms like Little Bit!